Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So after many attempts of getting Addie to like her Halloween costume, I decided to return it. She hated it and never got it on more than a few minutes. So I decided to make her a tutu that she can wear with a regular tshirt. I also bought her a little pink wand to wave around. I made the tutu today and she already had it on twice with no issue. Here are some pics of it.

PS: Don't mind her hand down my shirt :) You'd think after not nursing for 8 months she would just let them be...

1 comment:

-B- said...

LMAO - She's too cute in the tutu, but I have to warn you. Fin's been weaned for about 15 months and he STILL puts his hand down my shirt every single chance he gets. That's his preferred way to fall asleep, too. I figure my body won't be truly my own again until they're both in junior high school and I'm a total embarrassment to be seen around.