This is what our family would say when we were naked as little kids. Addie wasn't too excited to have her diaper changed. So I let her play for a bit in the buff.
We went to CA to see Robert's family and her is a pic of Addie and her Great Grandma Mary. How does Addie always know when someone is taking a picture of her...:)
Here is Addie push around the garbage can. She can't walk on her own yet, but this seems to do the trick. She pushed it around most of the afternoon. It was too funny.
Here is Addie at Grandma and Pop-pop's house in Indio. It was really warm there this weekend. SO she enjoyed her biter-biscuit outside, where we could hose her off when she was done. She makes such a mess... Which makes for really great pictures :)
Robert, Addison and I went to Hemet, CA this weekend to help Grand celebrate her 90th Birthday. The church that she belongs to had a really nice party for her. We got to see a lot relatives that we usually don't get to see. Addison also got to spend some time with her Grandpa Smith and her Auntie, which she also loves.